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List of Makers and Retailers

OAKLEY, Horatio: Listed as ‘Tortoise Shell, Pearl & Ivory Work Box, Tea Caddy &c. Manufacturer[s]’ 104 ½ Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, in Hulley’s Directory of Birmingham, 1870. 

O’CONNOR, Jeremiah: (fl. c. 1835-1886). Killarney ware maker with premises ‘at the Corner Shop opposite the church’ and ‘opposite the Kenmare Arms’ in Main Street, Killarney, Ireland. Trade label on desk stating ‘Arbutus & Bog Oak manufacturer Killarney’. Advertised Sugar and Tea Stores, 1858. (Chapter 6: Tunbridge Ware) 

OFIELD, Walter: ‘Fancy’ cabinet manufacturer at 69 Rushton Street, New North Road, London N. Registered design no. 115013 for tea caddy in form of coal scuttle, 29 November 1888. (National Archives, Kew; Chapter 5: Wood …, Figure 5.125) 

ORDISH, Thomas William: Tunbridge ware manufacturer at 49 Red Lion Street; 12 Great Turnstile Street, Holborn, London. Robson’s London Commercial Directory, 1823. 

ORR STEVENS, William: ‘Jeweller’ and ‘retailer at 30 Argyll Arcade, and 28 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Advertised as ‘Jewellery & General Fancy Warehouse’ in the Glasgow Post Office Directory, 1852-1853, and as ‘Watchmaker. Jeweller, and Importer of Continental Manufactures’ in the Post Office Annual Directory for Glasgow, 1855-1856. Label on Mauchline ware tea caddy covered with paper reproducing McPherson tartan, by Smiths of Mauchline, c. 1850 stating ‘Wm. ORR STEVENS JEWELLER 28 Buchanan Street Corner of Arcade GLASGOW’; around outer border ‘REPOSITORY FOR SCOTTISH GEMS & EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SCOTCH PEBBLE WORK’. (Private collection; Chapter 7: Mauchline ware, Figure 7.3)  


ORTON, Joseph: Listed as manufacturer of ‘tea chests, caddees …’ at 52 Moseley Street (1829), and at 43 Birchall Street (1833), Birmingham, in Wrightson’s Annual Directory of Birmingham, 1829-30, and in Wrightson & Webb’s The Directory of Birmingham, 1833. 

OSBORN & SONS: Advertised as ‘Manufacturers of Cutlery and Surgical Instruments’ at Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, at Lord Street, Liverpool, and at Carver Street, Sheffield, in Wrightson’s Annual Directory of Birmingham, 1831, 1841. Stocked ‘tea caddees in tortoise-shell, mahogany, &c.’. Advertised ‘Tea Caddies, and Chests’ and ‘Tortoiseshell Tea Caddies’ in Robson’s Birmingham Directory, 1839.

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