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List of Makers and Retailers

FENNER, William: (fl.1792-1840). Tunbridge ware maker and retailer at The Walks (The Parade) (1796); The Chalet, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent (c. 1808 onwards). Trade card dated 1796 states he sold ‘print decorated wares in the Turner or Cabinet line’. In 1837 and 1840, was advertising ‘teapoys, chests and caddies’. Also supplied local retailers. Worked with James Nye from 1797 until Nye’s death in 1809, then with Nye’s son, Edmund, until 1817. By 1829, Fenner had disposed of his business to John Ubsdell, who traded until about 1834, when Fenner took control again. (Chapter 6: Tunbridge Ware) 

FIELDER, Richard: Cabinetmaker in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Account sent to Duke of Gordon in October 1739 for ‘10 small Chaiers at 19s pr Chaier - £9-10-0; 2 Elbow Chaiers (sic) at 275 pr Chaier - £2-14-0; A Writing Chaier - £3-3-0’ and ‘A Tea Box - £1-1-0’. (DEFM

FILMER, T. H.: Cabinetmakers and upholsterers at 28, 32 & 34 Berners Street, Oxford Street, London. Walnut teapoy, c. 1845; circular tea chest with gadrooning at base; turned and reeded pillar on tripod base; containing four circular wells, two largest with circular walnut canisters; oval brass label on base of tea chest impressed ‘T.H. FILMER CABINET, UPHOLSTERY BEDDING & CARPET MANUFACTORY 28,32 & 34 BERNERS St., OXFORD St. LONDON, W.’ (Private collection; Chapter 23: Teapoys …, Figure 23.29). Similar teapoy with Filmer’s label is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. (C. Gilbert, Pictorial Dictionary of Marked London Furniture 1700-1840, 1996)  

FINCHETT, Arnold: Retailer and house furnisher at 188 Fleet Street, London. Advertisement in The Times, 22 January 1800, stating ‘FINCHETT’S KITCHEN FURNITURE, LAMP and LAMP OIL WAREHOUSE, No. 188, Two Doors from St Dunstan’s Church, Fleet St. respectfully begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, &c. that they may be supplied at the above warehouse with every Article ... A genteel Assortment of the best bronz’d and Pontipool Japann’d Tea and Coffee Urns, elegantly mounted, and of the newest patterns. Fine Japann’d Tea Trays, Waiters, Tea Caddies, Plate Warmers, and other japann’d articles’.  

FISHER, Samuel: (fl. 1844-1860). Listed in the Post Office London Directories for 1842, 1844, 1846, 1852, 1855, 1859 and 1860 as a ‘Dressing Case Maker’ at 188 Strand, London. Coromandel tea chest with domed lid, c. 1860, with brass edging; two canisters with domed lids with brass shields inscribed ‘GREEN’ and BLACK’; well with cut-glass sugar bowl; name engraved on narrow brass strip on rear inner rim ‘FISHER, MANUFACTURER 188 STRAND, LONDON’. (Woolley & Wallis, Salisbury). Large rectangular thuya wood tea chest, c. 1840, with narrow brass strip on rear inner rim engraved ‘Fisher 188 Strand’. (Private collection)  

FLETCHER, Leopold: Listed as ‘Pearl, Tortoiseshell & Ivory Wrkrs. and ornament & Caddy maker[s]’ at 29 Leopold Street, Birmingham, in Birmingham Trades Directory, 1873. 

FOLGHAM, John: (fl. 1750-1803). ‘Shagreen Case Maker’ and ‘Case and Cabinet Maker’ working ‘opposite the Castle Inn, Woodstreet’, (1750-1777); at No. 118, Fetter Lane, (1778-1803); subsequently at No. 81, Fleet Street, London. Traded in partnership with son, Timothy, 1790-1803. (Timothy continued the business until his death in 1805.). (For trade card, Chapter 22: Miscellaneous Materials …, Figure 22.15; The British Museum). Handbill, dated 1781, includes ‘An elegant Assortment of Tortoiseshell, inlaid or plain Tea Caddees and Tea Chests’, amongst long list of furniture, ‘Silver and Plated Goods’, ‘Japanned Goods’, ‘Cutlery’ and ‘Wedgewood’s Manufacture and Clay’s Manufacture’. (The Bodleian Libraries, The University of Oxford, John Johnson Collection; Chapter 3: Making …, Figure 3.25). A ‘neat Sattinwood Tea Chest banded with Tulipwood, lind with skyblue velvet, silver double bolted lock & 2 neatly cut oval glass canisters, with oval silver covers and joints’, £7-17s-6d, was supplied to Sir Richard Hoare at Stourhead, Wilts, 1781. (J. Pettigrew, Design for Tea: Tea Wares from the Dragon Court to Afternoon Tea, 2003, p. 94) 

FOLKER, William: (fl. 1784-1808). Cabinetmaker and upholsterer in Cornmarket, Oxford. In 1784, Folker furnished the rooms of Lord William Russell, a student at Christ Church, Oxford, with various items, including a tea caddy. (DEFM

FOOTHORAPE, SHOWELL & SHENTON: Advertised as ‘Manufacturers of Paper & Iron Japan Goods’, including tea chests and caddies, at 25 Church Street, Birmingham, in Wrightson & Webb’s The Birmingham Directory, 1846. 

FORRESTER, Joseph: Listed as ‘Pearl, Tortoiseshell & Ivory Wrkrs. and ornament & Caddy maker[s]’ at 1 Summer Hill Terrace, Birmingham, in Birmingham Trades Directory, 1873. 

FUHRLOHG, Christopher: (fl. 1740-87). Cabinetmaker and inlayer at 24 Tottenham Court Road (1766); at 5 Tottenham Court Road (c. 1790); subsequently at 12 Great Russell Street, London. Stock-in-trade sold by Christie Manson & Woods, February 1787, at his house No. 22 on the North side of Gerard Street, Soho; included a ‘Great Variety of Elegant Mahogany and Sattin-Wood articles, curiously Inlaid … such as Book-Cases, Pier Tables, Two Eight Day Clocks, sundry Prints and Drawings …’ and tea chests and caddies: ‘Lot 10, A mahogany tea chest with ditto canisters and a ditto Caddee - £1-0-0; Lot 30, A mahogany tea chest with three tin canisters and a ditto Caddee - £1-19-0; Lot 48, A small oval satin-wood table with two flaps and an inlaid tea chest with three canisters’ - £1-17-0; Lot 73, An octagon caddie and four ditto various £1-17-0; Lot 74, Four small ditto £1-7-0; Lot 75, A square inlaid ditto with two mahogany canisters, and a square ditto with black border - £1-12-0; Lot 77, Three square inlaid caddees of dark wood - £1-2-0; Lot 80, Ogee tea chest curiously inlaid and a square inlaid box - £2-6-0; Lot 81, Three small octagon inlaid tea caddies, one double ditto and a square ditto’. (Christies Archive, King Street, London

FULLER, Samuel and Joseph: (fl. 1809-55). Printsellers, stationers and stockists of Tunbridge ware at The Temple of Fancy, 34 Rathbone Place, London. Rhyming broadsheet advertising (among many other wares) ‘Tunbridge Tea Caddies’. (Chapter 6: Tunbridge Ware) 

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